Windermere Road, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 1UX

01942 674226

Leigh Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

‘Live And Learn With Jesus’

Role of Parents

We try to ensure that the education of children is a partnership between home and school and there are a variety of ways you can become involved.

We organise ‘Parent/Child Challenge’ events in the evening.  These are fun events with a different theme each term and are designed for adults and children to work together in a fun challenge.

We also encourage those parents who are able to come into school to work alongside us to provide additional support for children.  This can be by listening to children read, helping with practical activities such as art, crafts, baking or helping on school trips.  If you feel able to offer your help then please do not hesitate to mention it to the Class Teacher or Headteacher who can make appropriate arrangements.

Friends Of Sacred Heart

This is a group of parents, friends and staff who aim to build links between home, school and parish. Many events are organised throughout the year to provide much needed fund raising and valuable social contacts. All parents are automatically members and all contributions and suggestions are appreciated.

Meetings are informal and the friends would welcome any skills and offers of help no matter how small. Dates and times of events, meeting and appeals for help will appear in school newsletter.